Wednesday, March 4, 2009

new discoveries

It seems that recently Asher learns something new almost everyday. Here are a few of his latest discoveries or "tricks" as we like to call them (kind of makes him sound like a dog...poor kid)...
Playing with Jordan--Asher has really started noticing Jordan and Maverick and gets very excited to see them and especially excited to pet them. It's very cute.

If we say, "Where's Asher?" He puts his arm up over his eyes like this, then drops them down and laughs as we say "There he is." or "Peek-A-Boo."

He knows how to "Clap, Clap." his hands now.

So this isn't new, but I couldn't resist...
Who's going potty? This Guy! (I realize when he's 16 he'll hate me for this, but I'm okay with that)

1 comment:

taralohse said...

Emily I love all those sweet pictures of Asher I cant believe how big he has gotten. I love the picture of him raising his hand!!! What a cutie- We miss you a ton