Tuesday, August 11, 2009

nakey time and purses

We like to give Asher a little bit of "air time" to dry off completely after baths, so we let him run/crawl around nakey for a little bit. Just like every baby (so I've heard) he LOVES "nakey time!" The other day, he found one of my purses that I had hanging on my closet door, and he was playing with it, and at one point I looked at him and he had it around his neck. Ryan was not impressed, and Asher will probably hate these pictures when he's 16. We both got a good laugh out of it. He's a lot of fun and has a really fun and funny personality! We are truly enjoying him to the max right now! It's great!!
Looking at all his bath toys he threw all over the tub

Crawling around with my purse

I blurred out "the goods"

Asher and Mama. Happy Baby before bed! (Please ignore the HUGE feverblister on my lip!)

1 comment:

alicehendrix45@gmail.com said...

Oh, i just want to pinch those butt cheeks!! Too cute and I love the color of the purse he picked out too, i bet daddy loved that!! tee hee!