Thursday, July 16, 2009

chimney sweep

As I was sitting in the dining room trying to get the commissary list put together, Asher was crawling around "playing" as usual...or so I thought. He discovered the fake charcoal "rocks" for the gas fireplace and decided to pull two of them out. I heard him crawling with things in his hand, which is completely normal for him to do, but I did not recognize the sound they were making when he was crawling. I stood up at the table just as he made it to the doorway of the dining room. He crawled with the soot covered charcoal rocks across the living room, down the hallway and to the dining room door. Somewhere along the way, he wanted to see what they tasted like, too! Ugh! What a mess that made for me to clean up. Apparently he wants to be a chimney sweep. He's getting started early...And I'm about to have TWO BOYS to get into mischief...oh the fun will at least triple I'm sure!!!
Where the rocks belong...IN the fireplace!

Part of his trail in the hallway
Yeah for soot!

The used-to-be-white sleeper. Hope it tasted good, Dude...yuck

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Oh my....the fun has definitely begun!! The first of many! Being a parent certainly is NOT boring!