Tuesday, May 5, 2009

too long

Please forgive me for just now trying to catch back up with blogging. Ryan was gone to Romania for 3 weeks and he took the computer with him. He needed it to finish up his 3rd Masters class (which he got an A in!! I'm pretty proud of him!) Asher and I were able to check our email b/c we have such great friends who let us borrow their computers, but we didn't do much else on the internet besides that. I know no one really "reads" our blog for the entries, it's more the pictures. So here are some pictures of the little man doing what he does best...
Fully enjoying breakfast--eating and wearing it!

We have had some really nice, sunny days recently for which I am very grateful. Asher loves being outside, and I am much happier if I can get outside in the sunshine and run outside! One sunny morning I took him outside to get some pictures of him in good light...
...but he was way more interested in eating the rocks than looking at the camera!


Throwing them was a lot of fun, too.

At our friend Ric's Fini Flight. Hearing protection is very important (Pops and Uncle Dave would be so proud!)

This is pretty cool, Guys!

Another great thing about nice weather--the park

Asher loves the swings

Ready to take off--he actually is crawling some these days

Big cheeeezzz for the camera



Meredith said...

what a cutie!! love all the pics!! and he is almost one!! it feels like yesterday i was visiting you guys in the hospital! miss you guys!!

Maggie said...

So glad Ryan is back safe and sound. Thanks so much for the postings and the great pictures, too. Love you all.